One of the owners of Tamlin recently contacted Mr. & Mrs. Bell who have just completed their Tamlin Timber Frame Home just outside Denver, Colorado USA. Tamlin performs a survey after each project is completed to receive feedback from home owners so we can identify items to improve upon, and make sure home owners are completely satisfied. The Bells are thrilled with their home, and mentioned that while other building projects in their neighborhood had delays and building problems, Tamlin’s house package system went together smoothly and efficiently.
The superb Douglas Fir timber frame is definitely one of the highlights, along with the covered porch access from the master bedroom, where the owners can enjoy the outdoors, even if it is snowy outside. The local builder/partner who Tamlin teamed up with to assemble the prefabricated walls and timber frame structural was completely satisfied with the quality of materials, and ease of construction, and this builder has been in business over 25 years locally. This was indeed another compliment. While Tamlin can build full homes locally, this unique prefabricated “house package” was designed and exported to the USA last year.
If you want a custom Tamlin Timber Frame home and live in the USA, give us a call at 1-877-826-5461!